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Camping Tips: 15 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Your Camping Trip

Whether you’re new to camping or you go every year, you need to be sure you’re doing all that you can to prepare for your camping trip in advance.

From setting yourself a budget to packing all of the essentials, here are 15 questions to ask yourself when preparing for your next camping trip.

camping tips

1. Do You Need to Do Any Research First?

Although camping is a fairly simple and stripped-back way of travelling, being prepared will ensure you’re not experiencing one emergency after the other. For the ultimate guide to your first camping trip, you can visit this site here. 

2. What is Your Overall Budget?

The next thing you need to consider is your overall budget, as this will ensure you’re not spending more than you can afford Although camping is relatively cheap, you need to consider each of the costs it incurs individually. This means thinking about the cost of any equipment you need to buy, the cost of your food and drink, the cost of your transport two and from your destination and the cost of the campsite you’re staying at.

While it may take some time to budget everything, having a good idea of what to expect in terms of costs will help make the trip as stress-free as it can possibly be. 

3. When Do You Want to Go?

Another important question to ask yourself when it comes to your camping trip is when do you want to go? Although this may depend heavily on the time you can get off work, you also need to think about the weather too. Camping in bad weather is not impossible, but if definitely makes it a little more difficult.

Ideally, you need to pick dates that are not too hot and not too cold as camping in warm weather makes it hard to sleep and camping in cold weather is bad for your health. If you’re unsure, it might be worth doing a little bit of research first. 

4. Where Do You Want to Go? 

The next thing you need to think about is where do you want to go. Whether you’re travelling to another country or you’re visiting somewhere local, you can camp absolutely anywhere. 

The best thing to do when it comes to choosing a location is to think about what you want to do while you’re there. Do you want to go camping? Do you want to be close to a city so you have the option to explore? Are you looking to spend the week at a campsite? The more you think about what you want to do during your camping trip, the easier it will be to choose a location. 

5. Will You Be Camping in Multiple Locations?

Although it’s not necessary, a lot of campers like to travel to multiple destinations in one trip. Whether this means going on a road trip or visiting a few local campsites, you need to have a good idea of where you want to go. If you are going to multiple destinations, make sure you’re budgeting for it in your overall budget. 

6. How Long Will You Be Camping for?

Another important thing to consider when it comes to your camping trip is how long do you want to go for? Whether you’re just planning to go for a couple of days or you’re planning a much longer trip, knowing how long you’re going for will help when it comes to packing and budgeting for your trip. 

If you’re unsure on how long you can camp for before you start to get tired and miss your home-comforts, you may want to consider doing a number of small trips first. This will get you used to the experience and the more you do it, the longer you will be able to last. 

7. How Will You Get to Your Campsite?

Next, you need to think about how you’re going to get there. Often camping requires a lot of gear and if you’re taking a lot of kit with you, you may need to drive there in order to be able to transport everything. 

Although driving isn’t essential when it comes to camping, it’s the best way to ensure you can take everything you need. If you’re travelling by public transport, you may find that you can’t take the heavier items you may need with you. This makes for a more stripped back version of camping, which is often just as fun.

If you are travelling by public transport, you may also need to think about how you’re going to get to the campsite. They’re often in places that are not accessible via public transport and as a result, you may find that you have to get a taxi for the remaining portion of your journey. If you’re brave enough and like to hike, you may even be able to walk!

8. Are You Going to Be Glamping, “Normal Camping” or Wild Camping?

If you’re not ready to camp but you want to get a taste for the experience, you may want to consider glamping (“glamorous camping” instead. Whether this means glamping in a luxury tent or in simple cabin-style accommodation, this is a great way to see if it’s something you would like. Although it tends to be more expensive, it’s often worth it for the small luxuries you get.

And for a completely different experience altogether, why not try a spot of wild camping, where you don’t even need to pay for a campsite? Obviously you won’t have access to services such as showers or toilets, but you can be sure you’ll get a full on “back to nature” experience. Find out more about wild camping here.

9. What Campsites Will You Be Staying at? 

When you’re starting to get into the finer details of your trip, you need to think about the campsites you’re staying at. Whether you’re choosing them for the facilities they have or you’re choosing them because they’re within your budget, you need to be sure you’re choosing the right campsite for you. 

10. Do You Need to Buy a Tent? 

If you’re new to camping or you’ve been using your tent for a number of years, you may find that you need to buy a new tent before you set off on your trip. Whether you’re looking for something that will fit two people or a larger family tent, it’s important you’re finding something that is going to make your trip as comfortable as it can be. For more information when it comes to tents, you can take a look at some Vango tents here on this site. 

11. What Other Essentials Do You Need?

As well as your tent, you’re going to need lots of other essentials in order to ensure you’re trip is as successful as it can be. From your sleeping bag and pillow to the essentials needed to cook each and every day, there are lots of things you may not consider taking with you unless you prepare. If you’re unsure, there are lots of lists available online. 

12. Do You Need to Stock Up on Food?

Although some people may choose to eat out at restaurants and local cafes while they’re camping, part of the fun is being able to cook your own campsite meals. Whether you’re buying your food at the start of the trip or you’re making several different runs to the supermarket, you need to ensure you’ve got enough food to last you. When storing food on a campsite, you need to be sure you’re keeping it away from animals. 

13. What Activities are You Going to Be Doing During Your Camping Trip?

Another important thing to consider is what activities you’re going to be doing, as this will give you the opportunity to create a schedule you can follow. Although you don’t have to stick to it, a little bit of research before your trip can go a long way, especially if you get there and find you have no cell service.

14. What Kind of Clothes Do You Need to Pack?

When packing your case, you also need to think about the type of clothes you need to take. Although it may be warm in the day, it can often drop cold at night so it’s best to prepare for this too. You may also need clothes that cover you up from all of the bugs!

15. Do You Have a Back-up Plan in Place?

Finally, it’s always important to make sure you have a back-up plan in place – if the weather’s bad, if you have problems with your camping gear or health. Always know where you can go to find shelter or medical assistance in a hurry.

With lots of important questions to be asking yourself before your trip, you can ensure you’re as prepared as you can possibly be. What else do you need to consider? Did we miss any important questions off of the list? Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

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