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3 Day Valencia Itinerary For First Time Visitors ~ Oranges, Palm Trees & Paella

Last updated on June 18, 2024

Valencia, Spain’s third largest city, is famous for its blissfully sunny climate, fragrant orange trees, soft-sand beaches, culture-packed old town and, of course, for being the birthplace of paella!

It is without a shadow of a doubt one of my favourite cities in Europe and a must for all hispanophiles. Here’s how to experience the best of this idyllic city in just 2 or 3 days!

Valencia 3-Day Itinerary Travel Guide
Words & photos by your paella chomping guide Ben Holbrook.

I’ve created this 3-day itinerary for Valencia to help ensure you see, do and eat all of the best things even if you don’t have a lot of time to play with. But please don’t feel you need to follow this too religiously – you could probably squeeze all of these tips into 2 busy/manic days or even stretch it out for 4 or 5+ days.

As always, I encourage you to follow your senses, to wander and schmooze… to drift a little.

Why visit Valencia? Valencia boasts the best of Barcelona – the weather, the laid-back Mediterranean vibes, the beaches and vibrant colours – as well as Madrid’s sophistication and sense of historical importance.

And it continues to evolve, too. On my last visit I sensed a youthful undercurrent: trendy little shops and boutiques, bars and cafes, live music and beautiful street art. And because it’s so much smaller than Barcelona or Madrid, you can discover it all in less time (and with way less money!).

Plaza de la Reina, Valencia - by Ben HolbrookHow much time do you need to see Valencia? I recommend spending a long weekend in Valencia (3 or 4 days), especially if you’re visiting the city as part of a bigger tour of Spain.

If you have more time to play with then you could easily enjoy a full week here, especially if you’re travelling as a family (Valencia is particularly family friendly).

If you’re short on time and only stopping by for a day or two, it might be worth joining a tour to make sure you see everything. There are lots of free walking tours in Spain, so you won’t struggle to find one.

Valencia old town - by Ben HolbrookArriving from Barcelona? We took the train to Valencia from Barcelona (where we live) and it was a thoroughly enjoyable 3.5-hour journey along the coast. After flying around so much and enduring all that goes along with air travel, it made me think how much I’d like to start travelling more by rail.

From Valencia you can also take the train to Madrid in less than 2 hours. I’m often asked for advice from travellers flying into Barcelona who want to visit other cities during their time in Spain – I’d say Valencia is a good start!

Fancy a day-trip to Ibiza? It takes less than an hour to fly to Ibiza from Valencia!

Day 1: Old Town Vibes & Cultural Highlights

10am-ish: Start Your Day the Valencian Way

almuerzo second breakfast in Valencia, Spain - by Ben HolbrookThe almuerzo is a sort of second mid-morning breakfast and a rite of passage for the Spanish (especially in Valencia). Spanish people more or less skip breakfast (they may squeeze in a coffee and a small pastry but little else, so by about 10am or 11am they’ll pop our for their almuerzo – and the Valencians do it with serious gusto!

Do it like the locals with crusty bread rolls stuffed with jamón and cheese and a little glass of red vino (yes, really – “Spain is different!” as they say!). And to really start your day like a true Valenciano, treat yourself to a cremaet coffee – strong cafe pepped up with ‘burned’ alcohol and sugar.

Where: You’ll find almuerzos served at traditional Spanish bars and taverns all over Valencia, but I recommend Ricard Camarena’s ever popular bar in Valencia’s beautiful Central Market. Talking of which…

11am-ish: Feast Your Eyes on Valencia’s Central Market

Valencia Central Market Art Deco Facade - by Ben HolbrookValencia’s Mercat Central is the largest covered market in Europe and undoubtedly one of the world’s most beautiful.

Its colourful Art Deco facade houses some 400 stalls that sell the freshest produce from land and sea: seasonal vegetables, mushrooms, cured meats, nuts, butter-soft Iberian ham, cheese, shellfish, sea urchins and wriggling little limpets that dance on ice.

Valencian oranges at Central Market Art Deco Facade - by Ben HolbrookI was here with two of Valencia’s most respected chefs one morning (it’s a long story) and both seemed to be infatuated with the place. Chef Steve Anderson (more about his restaurant later) explained that it was here that he first thought, “Yes, I could get used to living here and having a market like this” before moving to Valencia from the UK.

Michelin-starred chef Bernd H.Knöller (more about his amazing restaurant in Valencia below) told me that the market was a muse for his cooking. “I’m a romantic chef. I like to come here, to see the produce. It gives me inspiration and new ideas.”

Valencia's Central Market Art Deco Dome - by Ben HolbrookExplore the stalls, grab a few bags of whatever tickles your fancy and stop off at Retrogusto Coffee Mates, a tiny little stall (Bernd even has his own special sugar here because he visits so often) specialising in cold brews, pour-overs and espresso-based classics — ethically sourced and beautifully roasted. You know the sort of place…

Midday-ish: Wander Valencia’s Ciutat Vella (Old Town)

Miguelete bell tower, Valencia - by Ben Holbrook
Valencia’s iconic Miguelete bell tower

You could spend a lifetime exploring the historic streets and orange-blossomed squares of Valencia’s medieval Ciutat Vella (old town), but you can see the highlights in a day or two.

The most famous part is El Carme, or Barrio del Carmen, where you’ll find bustling streets like Calle de Caballeros lined with sunny cafe terraces, tapas bars and cutesy boutiques.

Things to See and Do in Valencia’s Old Town

Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia - by Ben Holbrook
Plaza de la Virgen

Plaza de la Virgen is the physical heart of Valencia. Take a seat at one of the bars overlooking the square and sip Valencian orange juice (or vino) while enjoying views of the Cathedral of Santa Maria, the Basílica de la Virgen de los Desamparados, and baroque Generalitat Palace.

The iconic Fuente del Turía (Turia Fountain) in the centre of the square depicts Neptune with eight women pouring water into a basin – each representing the important irrigation channels that feed Valencia.

Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia - by Ben HolbrookThe Holy Grail, as in the chalice from which Jesus drank at the last supper, is said to be housed in Valencia’s cathedral. Of course, no one really knows if it’s the real deal or not, but it’s worth a quick visit.

Also, and I feel strange even writing about this, you’ll find the mummified hand of Vicente Martyr, patron saint of Valencia.

Torres de Quart, Valencia - by Ben Holbrook
Torres de Quart

– The Torres de Quart and Torres de Serranos are the remains of the ramparts that once encircled the entire city. The walls were later demolished, but these two imposing entranceways were preserved and the views over the city from the top are spectacular.

You can also enjoy sweeping vistas over Valencia from the top of the cathedral’s iconic Miguelete bell tower.

Street art in Valencia's El Carmen - by Ben Holbrook– El Carme is crammed with world-class street art. You’ll find it no matter where you go, but be sure to wander the streets and alleyways around Plaça del Tossal and Carrer d’En Gordo to see the best.

– Plaza de la Reina (The Queen’s Square) is also one of my favourite spots in Valencia’s old town. It’s surrounded by elegant cafes (and a few McDonald’s type places), but I prefer to just sit in the flowery park in the centre and watch the birds flutter between the orange trees and palms.

1.30pm-ish: Tapas Touring in the Old Town

Best tapas bars in Valencia's Barrio del Carmen - by Ben Holbrook
Time for tapas

No Valencian lunch would be complete without touring a few of the best tapas bars in Barrio del Carmen. The idea is to visit as many places as possible, enjoying the house specials at each (just ask for recommendations or have a look at what everyone else is eating/drinking).

Explore the lively bars in Plaça de Lope de Vega – especially Tasquita La EstrechagetPlaça del Tossal is another lively area with plenty of great options, including Café Sant Jaume, La Pilareta and Sidrería El Molinón.

La Comisaría and Taberna El Olivo offer slightly more modern tapas options – both are located in the leafy Plaza del Arbol.

Barrio del Carmen, Valencia - by Ben Holbrook3pm: Siesta Time

Head back to your hotel/apartment or find a bench to stretch out on and just relax for an hour or so while your body gets over the tapas/vino binge.

4.30pm-ish: Indulge in Valencia’s Famous Horchata and Fartons

Valencia's Famous Horchateria Santa Catalina - horchata and Fartons by Ben HolbrookYes, really, ‘fartons’. They’re basically pastries sprinkled with dusting sugar. A very Valencian tradition. You wash them down with sweet horchata (or orxata), a sort of chalky milkshake made with ground chufas (tiger nuts – similar to almonds), water and sugar. Perfect on a hot day.

You dunk the fartons into your horchata and wolf them down – the powdery sugar sticks to the back of your throat and fills your airways as you breathe. Intoxicatingly delicious.

Valencia's Horchatería Santa Catalina - by Ben HolbrookOne of the oldest and most revered ‘horchaterias’ in Valencia is Horchatería Santa Catalina. It can be a bit rowdy and chaotic, with families scattering their baby pushchairs and bottles around, and the perpetual wailing of sugar-intoxicated children reverberating off the walls, but it’s worth it. They also do amazing churros con chocolate so be sure to make a second visit at some point.

5.30pm-ish: Stroll Through the Regal Ceramics Museum

Valencia's Museo Nacional de Cerámica (Ceramics Museum) - by Ben HolbrookAlso in Ciutat Vella is the Museo Nacional de Cerámica (Ceramics Museum), which although, admittedly, sounds a little wearisome, is actually one of the most opulent and impressive museums I’ve visited in Spain.

The collection is housed in the 15th century Palace of the Marqués de Dos Aguas, which was pimped up with lashings of of alabaster in 1740 – even if you don’t have time to go inside, the outside of this decadent building is worth seeing.

Inside it’s all crimson carpets, silk wallpaper, French balconies, frescos and, of course, a priceless collection of Valencian ceramics.

6.30pm-ish: Celebrate Valencia’s Explosive Las Fallas Festival (at Anytime of Year)

Ninots at Valencia's Las Fallas Festival ~ by Ben Holbrook
Ninots at Valencia’s Las Fallas Festival

Besides paella (don’t worry, we’ll get to that soon enough), Valencia is best known for its colourful Fallas festival, which takes over the city for much of March.

The streets are filled with beautiful papier-mâché statues called ‘ninots’ that stand as tall as buildings.

Ninots at Valencia's Las Fallas Festival ~ by Ben Holbrook
Kids with mini explosives during Valencia’s famous Las Fallas festival

These statues take a whole year to make but are set on fire and burned to the ground as the city erupts in a blazing glory of fireworks and earth-shattering firecrackers. Avoid Plaça de l’Ajuntament at all costs if you have any sort of heart condition!

In all honesty, it’s pure carnage in Valencia at the height of the festival. I barely left with my nerves intact last time I went. I’ve often described it as what Disneyland would be like if it were run by pyromaniacs.

Burning ninots at Valencia's Las Fallas Festival ~ by Ben Holbrook
Fire of Liberty
Falleras at Valencia's Las Fallas Festival ~ by Ben Holbrook
Las Falleras – Valencia’s most beautiful women

Found out much more about Valencia’s fiery Fallas festival in my post here (with video).

Don’t worry if you can’t make it to Valencia in March for the celebrations as you can still visit the Fallas Museum. Every year, one of the ninots is ‘pardoned’ and kept for preservation at the museum for one and all to enjoy throughout the year.

8pm-ish: Get Buzzed on the City’s Famous ‘Agua de Valencia’

Agua de Valencia at Cafe de la Horas in Valencia - by Ben Holbrook
Agua de Valencia at Cafe de la Horas

Valencia is famous for its sweet and juicy oranges and the ultimate way to enjoy them is squeezed into Agua de Valencia (Water of Valencia). Don’t let the name fool you – there’s not even a drop of H2O in this boozy concoction. It’s actually freshly squeezed Valencian oranges pepped up with cava, vodka and/or gin – punchy stuff.

Again, you’ll see it advertised at most bars in Valencia, but I highly recommend heading to the theatrical Café de Las Horas, where you can sip on it by the jugful and pretend you’re at the opera.

9pm-ish: Explore Contemporary Valencian Cuisine

Seu Xerea Valencia fine dining restaurant in the El Carmen old townEarlier I mentioned how I spent a wonderful morning at Valencia’s Central Market with chef Steve Anderson. Well his restaurant, Seu Xerea, is one of the most exciting places to eat in Valencia (located literally across the street from Café de Las Horas, which is useful after you’ve been on the “agua”).

Steve and his team serve creative Mediterranean-Asian fusion flavours like chicken and peanut samosas and mackerel namban with spicy yoghurt, and pork ribs with sweet potato, hoisin, pineapple and ginger. Be sure to ask for wine recommendations too. Honestly, I had one of the best meals of my life here.

Midnight: Follow the Crowds for a Few Nightcaps or Hit the Hay

Day 2: Cycling the Túria River & Paella at the Beach

9/10am: Breakfast – Azuca OD

Churros con chocolate in Valencia You’ve probably heard of Spanish churros before. These doughy, deep-fried, sugar-dusted (I’m sensing a theme here) delights are served with a cup of treacle-thick hot chocolate. The Spanish often eat them after a long night out on the vino or first thing in the morning for breakfast – the two often have a way of overlapping in Spain.

Either head back to Horchatería Santa Catalina (above), or start your day in the beautiful Plaza de la Reina (Queen’s Square) and enjoy your churros at Chocolatería Valor with views of the cathedral’s iconic Miguelete bell tower.

11am-ish: Cruise Túria Park on a Bike

With some 80kms of dedicated cycle lanes, Valencia is perfect for exploring by bicycle.

Cycling Túria Park in Valencia - by Ben HolbrookOne of the most spectacular sights is the verdant Túria Park, which wends its way from the city down to the beach.

As you may gather from the 18 bridges that arc their way over the park, Túria Park was once Túria River, but it was re-routed after it burst its banks in 1957, causing devastation throughout Valencia and killing 81 people in the process.

Cycling Túria Park in Valencia - by Ben HolbrookToday, Túria Park is one of the largest and most innovative urban green spaces in Europe, connecting the city to the beaches via a series of leafy footpaths, cycle tracks, children’s play zones, water features and picnic spots.

Turia Beer on the Turia River in Valencia - by Ben Holbrook
Pitstop for a Turia beer on the old Turia RiverValencian oranges - by Ben HolbrookBut before you get to the beach…

Midday-ish: Explore the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences)

Valencia's Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences)
Valencia’s Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences)

The Túria gardens are home to Valencia’s most visited attraction: the iconic City of Arts and Sciences. With sweeping curves, gleaming glass and turquoise water pools, these extraterrestrial-looking venues were designed by Santiago Calatrava and Félix Candela, who were inspired by the beauty of nature and the quest for knowledge.

Valencia's Oceanogràfic aquarium - by Ben Holbrook

Valencia's Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences)The Hemesferic structure is the centrepiece and contains an IMAX Cinema and planetarium. Its design resembles a giant eye, hence its nickname: “The eye of knowledge”.

The equally impressive Prince Felipe Science Museum is designed to look like a huge whale skeleton.

Valencia's Oceanogràfic aquarium - by Ben Holbrook
Valencia’s Oceanogràfic aquarium

The Oceanogràfic is the largest aquarium in Europe and resembles a blossoming waterlily. Though each of the venues are worth a visit, it was the Oceanogràfic that enthralled me the most.

With some 500 marine species, you can’t help but feel like a child again as you walk through the underwater tunnels with sharks gliding silently above.

You’ll also see dolphins, one-toothed walruses and grinning manatees, which you get so close to as they playfully splash about that you can actually smell them and hear them breathing.

Valencia's Oceanogràfic aquarium - by Ben HolbrookMy personal favourites were the brainless deep-sea jellyfish, which avoid being eaten by predators by flashing strobes of multicoloured light through their bodies like light-sabre warning signals.

1pm-ish: It’s Time for a Valencian Paella Lunch at the Beach

The moment you’ve been waiting for! Spain’s most famous dish, paella actually comes from Valencia and was originally a humble dish enjoyed by farmers and labourers who would huddle around a huge ‘paella’ pan to eat.

Traditional paella recipes include Valencian rice with green beans, saffron and a mixture of chicken, rabbit and/or snails — not seafood as we now consider to be “the norm”.

Valencian Paella Lunch at Pepica at the Beach
Valencian paella at La Pepica

Where to eat the best paella in Valencia: You’ll find countless bars and restaurants serving paella and “arroz” (rice dishes) all over the city but the best paella in Valencia can be enjoyed at La Pepica, a traditional paella and seafood restaurant with a huge sun terrace located right on Valencia’s famous Malvarossa beach (just follow the cycle track and you’ll get there eventually).

Here, a band of barrel-bellied waiters with salt and pepper moustaches patrol the tables, delivering gargantuan paella pans and bottles of iced white wine to the luckiest diners in Spain.

La Pepica paella restaurant by the beach in Valencia.
La Pepica

Order the classic Valencian paella with chicken, rabbit and green beans for an authentic taste of paella the way it was originally made, or try the house special ‘Pepica’s seafood paella’, which comes with ready-peeled shellfish – apparently is was created for the famous Valencian painter Joaquin Sorolla (I highly recommend seeing his work at the Bellas Artes Museum).

Top paella tip: The Spanish only eat paella for lunch, so anywhere advertising paella at dinner time is doing so for tourists (i.e. it’s not going to be the best). And be sure to drink white wine with your paella, preferably ‘vino aguja’ (slightly sparkling).

3pm-ish: Siesta at Malvarrosa Beach

Malvarrosa Beach Valencia - by Ben HolbrooPaseo Maritimo is a palm-fringed promenade that hugs Valencia’s Malvarrosa beach for many bike-friendly miles. There are countless chiringuitos (beach bars) along the way, so either find a table in the sun for another drink or find a strip of sand to stretch out on and take a quick siesta before cycling back into the city.

7pm-ish: Kick Back with a Few Drinks in Trendy Ruzafa

Valencia's hipster Ruzafa neighbourhood - by Ben HolbrookNot so very long ago, Ruzafa had something of a seedy reputation. It was an area the locals would have told you to avoid. Today, however, it has been fully hipsterfied and is now one of the most exciting neighbourhoods in Valencia.

It’s incredibly beautiful too, with elegant facades and leafy little corners that remind me of Barcelona’s Eixample barrio. The colourful Mercat de Russafa (Russafa is the Valencian spelling of Ruzafa) is paradise for foodie types. 

Ruzafa market, Valencia - by Ben Holbrook
Ruzafa’s psychedelic market

Stop off for a drink or two in trendy places like La CantinaJardin Urbano and Cafe Berlin. I was also here with chef Bernd when he started gushing with enthusiasm about an Italian couple who had set up a bar called Ruzanuvol, specialising in unpasteurised Italian brews.

“It’s so good that’s it’s almost not beer,” Bernd explained. “It’s pushing the limits. It’s incredible. I like these people who are fighting. They could make much more money with any other beer, but they choose to fight.”

Valencia's Craft Beer Scene - La Birreria

9pm-ish: Indulge in a Michelin-Starred Dinner

OK, I’ve banged on about chef Bernd for long enough. Now it’s time to talk about his incredible Michelin-starred restaurant, Riff.

Michelin-Starred Restaurante Riff, Valencia - by Ben HolbrookAs he explained himself, his dishes change “too frequently,” depending on what he finds freshest on the day. Stand out flavours included rice with gently grilled octopus, hake with white beans and chorizo and langoustines with organic tomatoes and dill. This is truly spectacular Mediterranean dining experience, a proper treat to celebrate your time in Valencia.

If you see Bernd wandering around the dining room in his whites, don’t be afraid to say hello. He’s not the aggressive, unapproachable chef you imagine when you think of a ‘gastronomic genius’. He even invited me into the kitchen to say hello to his team, who were happily and, to my surprise, calmly working away. There was no shouting or tension, no clanging pots and pans being thrown around. It was just… zen. 

“There is a difference between ‘foodies’ and ‘gourmets’. The foodie is happy if the food looks pretty, but for the gourmet, it’s all about the flavour, how the taste makes you feel,” Bernd explained when I asked him about his approach to food. “I am a 50% chef, but also 50% gourmet.”

I wonder how many of us “foodies” are true gourmets…


Day 3: Lazy Day / Shopping

I suggest using your third/final day to simply take it easy, schmooze around your favourite spots, go shopping and visit the places (above) that you didn’t have time for. Sip another jug of agua de Valencia and let the unfold.

Shopping for paella pans in Valencia - by Ben Holbrook
Need to pick up a paella pan?

Visit the La Lonja de la Seda

Housed in a fairy-tale 15th-century building, La Lonja de la Seda (The Silk Exchange) is a shrine to the days when Valencia was one of Europe’s most important hubs for trade and culture.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site houses huge trading spaces with vaulted ceilings supported by beautiful spiral columns. Really quite spectacular.

Shop for Turrón

Best Turron in ValenciaTurrón is Valencia’s famous nougat made with honey and almonds. It’s enjoyed across Spain (especially during the Christmas season), but its roots can be traced back to the little Valencian town of Jijona.

Grab a few slabs to take home as gifts (or to nibble on and dream of your time in Valencia.

Drink & Eat More

Things to Do in Valencia, Spain Travel BlogMore horchata and fartons, more agua de Valencia, more tapas, more paella… don’t hold back!


Where to Stay in Valencia

Recommended: On my last visit to Valencia I stayed at the 4* Valencia Medium Hotel, which offered outstanding value for money – the rooms are bright and huge (we had two full-sized bathrooms!), breakfast is spot on and there’s a gorgeous palm-shaded swimming pool. Great for couples and families alike. See my full review here.

If you’d like to book your own apartment then I recommend Valenciaflats Centro Ciudad. And of course there’s always Airbnb

I can also recommend the 4-star Vincci Mercat, which is modern, chic and situated right in the heart of the city. Prices (around €80 a night).

Flights to Valencia: /

Trains and Buses to Valencia:

Rent a Car in Valencia:


Best Things To Do In Valencia, Spain ~ An Inside Guide

Discover Valencia’s Las Fallas Festival ~ Everything You Need To Know About Spain’s Most Explosive Festival

Where & What To Eat In Valencia ~ Best Tapas Bars, Restaurants And Market Bites

Hotel Medium Valencia, Spain (4*) ~ Palm Trees & Swimming Pools

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  1. Jane Jane

    Your article brings back good memories of our time spent in Valencia. I love your description about Barcelona and Madrid and Valencia. The Central Market was a daily visit for us, we just loved the buzz there. We really enjoyed exploring the streets of the Old Town.

    • Gracias! Yes, I adore Valencia too… and Barcelona and Madrid haha! Thanks for reading and commenting amiga.

  2. e-scooter tour - valencia e-scooter tour - valencia

    Yes, I also like to live in Valencia especially I love the sea and walking on electric scooters around the city

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