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Holiday Generator ~ Discover Your Perfect Travel Destination

When I was a boy, before the days of the Internet, before I ever knew I would grow up to be a “travel blogger”, I used to fantasise wildly about packing my backpack, going to the airport and flying to wherever sounded most exciting that day.

I wanted an adventure, to escape, to surrender myself to fate.

Backpacking in Italy
Lake Garda/Como, Italy. 2009. The trip that unexpectedly led me to moving to Barcelona.

I wish I could tell the story of how I actually did it, but I never did. It’s one of those ideas that sounds great in your head, but that would more than likely turn out to be a catastrophe.

What I really needed, and what I still need to this day in a world where you can travel to pretty much every corner of the planet, is a little nudge in the right direction. A little but of personalised inspiration. A fun way of narrowing down my options based on my personal interests, travelling style and budget.

And that’s why I was so excited to hear about Travel Republic‘s new interactive ‘Holiday Generator’ tool, which helps you discover new and exciting destinations that you would probably love but may never have considered before.

Make it Happen

Simply make your selection from the options presented – e.g. ‘Beach Holiday’ or ‘City Break’ – and you will be presented with an array of personalised destinations.

Have a go and let me know what destinations you get in the comments below! 

I’ve just discovered the Moroccan coastal city of Agadir in the foothills of the Anti-Atlas Mountains – I’m ready to go!

Where will you travel next?

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