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Why Barcelona is Perfect for Freelancers and Digital Nomads

Last updated on March 5, 2020

Barcelona is a sunny Mediterranean metropolis by the sea with world-class cultural and gastronomical opportunities, so it’s no surprise that freelancers and digital nomads have been flocking here in droves over recent years.

It also harbours a progressive business eco-system and dynamic startup scene, giving it a ‘buzz’ that makes it such an inspiring place to work from.

Whether you’re looking to relocate to an exciting new city or travel the world while you work, there are plenty of options. Netspick, a search aggregator for flats in Barcelona and more than 30 cities around the world, has carried out studies that reveal Barcelona is the ideal place for digital nomads and freelancers.

Here are a few reasons why…

Barcelona Boasts a Thriving Freelancer Community

Coworking spaces in BarcelonaAs unemployment rose in Spain, many of its residents turned to self-employment to solve their financial problems. This has led to a thriving community of freelancers over the last few years, attracting professionals from other parts of Spain and all around the world. Thanks to this, you’ll have plenty of networking opportunities, and easy access to advice and support from fellow freelancers.

Barcelona is Brimming with Laptop-Friendly Places to Work From

Ben Holbrook travel and food writer Barcelona, Spain and beyondYou don’t always want to be stuck at home or in your hotel room doing work. You want to get out there and experience the liveliness of Barcelona. Because of the large community of freelancers in Barcelona, co-working spaces are in high demand. With more than 100 co-working spaces in the city, you’ll be sure to find a place that’s right for you.

Plus, if you’re looking for a change of pace, plenty of the cafés, bars, and restaurants in the city offer free Wi-Fi. You’ll find lots of little gems as you explore the city, giving you plenty of chance to absorb the culture while you work and discover some of the best places to eat in Barcelona.

Barcelona is Home to Excellent Public Transport

Donkey Republic Rental Bike App in BarcelonaGetting around in a foreign city can be difficult if you don’t have a driving license for that country. Barcelona has excellent transport links, so you can easily get around by bus, taxi, or subway.

Barcelona is also an extremely bike friendly (more and more so all the time), with many residents finding it easier, cheaper and quicker to get around town on two wheels. 

Find out more about cycling in and around Barcelona here.

Spain Boasts Good Tax Conditions

B-Hotel Barcelona: Best 3-Star Hotel in Barcelona
Life doesn’t need to be taxing when you’re a freelancer in Barcelona…

While the economic situation in Spain isn’t the best at the moment, it is actually fairly positive for the self-employed. Freelancers in Spain don’t have to pay corporation tax, and recent changes to tax laws have introduced even more favourable conditions for entrepreneurs.

The Law of Urgent Reform to Freelance Work, passed recently and means freelancers can now claim back various business costs, vehicle costs, and gas and electricity bills. Also, new freelancers only have to pay €50 social security for their first year of business.

Barcelona is Renowned for its Amazing Weather

Giants Parade Barcelona La Merce Festival Every September
Winter in Barcelona

It goes without saying that the weather in Barcelona is incredible – just imagine a September like this! Whether summer in your country isn’t warm enough for your liking or you want to escape the harsh winter conditions, Barcelona is the perfect destination.

There’ll be no more mornings where you can’t bring yourself to get out from underneath your warm covers in bed. Work outdoors on sunny days or keep your motivation up by planning a long lunch break in the sun.

It’s time to take advantage of your freedom as a freelancer. So, why not ditch your boring working conditions and swap them for the sunny climes of Barcelona, Spain.

Find travel and tourism jobs here.

But it’s not all about work, there’s plenty to do, see and eat, as well. Check out a few essential things to do in Barcelona here.

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