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Tips for Planning Your First Post-Covid Travel Adventure

The Coronavirus pandemic isn’t fully behind us just yet, but, but the good news is that many of us can start planning our next travel adventures! By all estimations, international travel should be possible by the end of summer (2021). 

In this blog, we’re going to run through some key pointers on what your first post-covid trip to look like!

Liberate Yourself

You don’t need us to tell you how much time we’ve all spent cooped up inside during the past year. Now we understand what it’s like to be an animal in a zoo! Or perhaps even worse – at least they have food provided for them. So when it comes to your next trip, look at making it as liberating as possible. The idea should be for you to feel like you can do anything and that there are no restrictions to how elevated your thoughts and spirit can become.

Indulge in a Little Luxury and Together Time

It’s always a good idea to incorporate luxury into your life, no matter what’s going on. But when you’re trying to move on from a world-changing pandemic? Then luxury becomes more important than ever before. If you’ve always travelled with your budget as the top priority, perhaps it’s time to change your approach, at least this once. When you’ve had a tough year, a little bit of luxury can go a long way! Check out some Mykonos luxury villas for yourself and your loved one – there’s oh so much to love about spending time in a luxury villa with the people you care about most!

Make New Human Connections

Our worlds became much smaller in the past year. Think about how many people you would normally interact within the space of, say, a month – and now think about how many people you interacted with during the last month. We’ve grown accustomed to just speaking to the same people over and over, but that’s not normal for human beings. We all know that one of the best things about going on adventures is meeting new people. So when it comes to planning your trip, keep this in mind. Even if you plan to take yourself away to a beautiful, secluded spot with your friends or family, it might be worthwhile finding ways to get your dose of new people at some point during your trip. Human connection is one of the best free gifts that we have, so make the most of it!

Focus on Wellness

The coronavirus pandemic was tough for many reasons. We know this intuitively, but you can also just see it on many people’s faces. Does it look like you’ve aged three years over the past twelve months? Then you’re not alone. After all, it has been a deeply stressful experience, one that placed us in positions that we’ve never been in before. The good news is that there are always ways to put stressful moments behind you! One of the best ways is to go on a wellness retreat. A week or two spent doing nothing but yoga, meditation, and eating well will have you back to your best.

Live a Little More Naturally

There’s value in going on a trip into nature at any time. But when you’ve spent the best part of twelve months just staring at the wall and watching Netflix, then there’s even more value in taking that type of trip. You probably had a sense that humans belonged in the great outdoors pre-pandemic, but now there’s no question. Studies have shown that spending a week in the great outdoors can have a hugely positive impact on mental and physical well-being. It’ll allow you to think big once more and dream of a bright future.

Relax and Enjoy the Good Life

Ultimately, it’s all about relaxation and living the good life. In truth, people will be happy with any type of trip, purely because it’s been so long since they were able to get away and soak up the rays. But with time on our hands, it’s worthwhile thinking about the best options available!

Where are you going on your first post-Covid travel adventure? What are you most looking forward to seeing, doing and experiencing?

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