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Savvy Tips To Save Money On Your Travel Trips

Whether you are creating a Barcelona love story or living it up in the Bahamas, there are easy ways to save money on your travel. Being savvy with your booking and organizing will help you spend less on your travels, which will mean you can go on future trips or put the money towards special experiences. 

Use an International Phone SIM

You will likely take your mobile on trips with you to keep up with friends, take and share pictures, and catch up on the news. Regardless, you run the risk of overspending on your mobile phone bill when you travel. To prevent this you should use savvy tips to save money on your mobile such as using a SIM that allows international travel will ensure that you don’t overspend when you visit a new country. There are many SIM options that allow your data to be used in multiple countries, which will avoid extra charges. 

To ensure that you don’t overspend and maximize your money-saving, put a cap on your data usage so that you can’t overspend on a trip or even at home.

Use Points to Book Flights

If you are a regular traveler, then you will likely have racked up flight points. To save money on your flights, you should put these to good use and spend some to reduce the cost of your flights. 

If you are new to flight reward programs, ensure to sign up for them so that you can earn rewards for every trip. 

Set Travel Alerts to Receive Travel Deals

Many travel companies allow customers to set alerts for price drops. When prices reduce, you should make use of it and book your trip. You will save money and get the best deal possible. 

Furthermore, you should shop around for your travel deals and set alerts with multiple companies. You will never know how much you could save by shopping around. The likelihood of your dream flight and accommodation being available on multiple sites is high. Thus, doing your research and looking everywhere that the deal is available will help you find the best price.

Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates

Being flexible with your travel dates will help you find the best deals. Traveling one day earlier could save you hundreds of pounds, euros, or dollars. It can be difficult to be flexible depending on your work and lifestyle. However, it can help save you money. 

To see how much money you could save on your trip, change the booking dates around to see how much the price fluctuates. If the cheapest dates work for you, then you could save a ton of money. 

Share Baggage

Adding baggage allowance to your flights can sometimes double the cost, especially if you overpack. 

Sharing baggage with people you are traveling with will mean that you can reduce the costs by only paying for one bag. Packing light means that you can save stress and money when you travel.

If you are going on a short trip, just taking hand luggage will mean that you don’t need to spend extra on hold luggage. 

What other money save tips do you have from your travels? Leave a comment below to share you advice.

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