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How to See the World without Breaking the Bank: 5 Budgeting Tips for International Travel

International travel is a great opportunity to visit the world, explore spectacular sights and immerse yourself in different cultures. It’s an enriching experience that everyone should enjoy at some point, but the problem is that it’s also quite expensive. And it’s not just the individual costs for each part of your holiday, it’s also the fact you probably will take a longer vacation since you’re traveling such a distance.

So, is there a way to see the world without breaking the bank? Here we’ll take a look at five budgeting tips that are ideal for international travel and will ensure that you get to visit all the locations on your bucket list.

Be Picky About the Destination(s)

The first tip is to choose the destination(s) that you want to travel to. Some locations are known for being more expensive and don’t offer much value for tourists. Then there are those locations that have a reputation for being incredibly affordable, allowing your money to go a little further.

Some of the more reasonably priced destinations include:

  • Romania
  • Vietnam
  • Greece
  • Laos
  • Croatia
  • The Philippines
  • Latvia

Flights Can Be the Most Expensive Aspect of Traveling

While there are many costs associated with traveling, what tends to be the most expensive part is your flight. Even if you can find budget-friendly accommodation and plan on sticking to a budget in terms of dining, your flights can push you over the edge. The thing is, cheap airfare can be found and this guide that explains how to do it. Even in the era of inflation and peak demands for travel, if you use the right tips, you can find cheap flights.

A few key points include:

  • Flying mid-week
  • Not insisting on a direct flight
  • Comparing prices and setting up alerts
  • Considering budget airlines
  • Not traveling in peak season

Each tip that you use will help to bring the total cost down, so it’s best to use a combination of them.

Don’t Over-Pack Your Suitcase

When packing for a big and exciting trip, it’s very easy to get carried away, putting in way too many items that you likely won’t need. The problem with this approach is that you can easily end up going overweight in terms of your baggage and you’ll need to pay a hefty surcharge at the airport. Make sure your suitcase is well underweight, leaving room for a few souvenirs you decide to pick up.

Not sure how much weight you are allowed to pack? Visit the airline’s website and get the specifics before you even start packing. You can then pick up a travel-sized baggage scale that you can put in your suitcase to ensure you’re not overweight for the return trip home.

Save on the Cost of Food – Make Lunch the Big Meal of the Day

If you’re used to dinner being your big meal of the day, you may want to consider switching things up while traveling. Dinner menus tend to be pricier than the lighter fare offered at lunch, so there are big savings to be had. You can also do some research online before departing, looking up affordable restaurants. 

Scope Out the Free Activities

Many destinations also offer a slew of free things to do and see or at least cheaper times of the day or the week. Again, this requires some planning but it’s well worth it since it saves a lot of money in the end.

The simple fact is that international travel doesn’t have to be the huge cost that you assume it is. With these tips and some travel-savvy smarts, you’ll be able to travel internationally on a tight budget.

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