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Common Visa Application Mistakes to Avoid

If you are planning on moving abroad, it is important that you do your research ahead of time. Unfortunately, you cannot pack your bags, purchase a plane ticket and set off on your new life – there are several steps you need to take ahead of time to make it happen. For example, you need to ensure you obtain the appropriate VISA. 

However, the process of obtaining a VISA is far from straightforward. It is very complex and requires a lot of documentation and evidence. Therefore, many people find that they have to apply several times to obtain a VISA as their application is rejected. However, that does not mean it is impossible to get your VISA on your first try – you just need to take your time with the application and avoid common mistakes. 

With that in mind, here are some of the most common mistakes people make when applying for a VISA – and how to avoid them. 

Not paying attention

When you are working your way through form after form, it’s easy to drift into ‘autopilot’. This means that you will begin inputting information without really reading what you are asked. Though this can help you work through the process, it means you could also answer something incorrectly, or omit information entirely. This is a sure-fire way to get your application rejected – as you must provide them with everything they ask for. 

You can avoid this issue altogether by taking your time with your application. Don’t rush through it, and break it into smaller, more manageable chunks. 

Applying for the wrong VISA

Depending on which country you chose to live in, there are various different types of VISAS, and you need to ensure that you apply for the right one. Though it varies depending on location, they typically include the following categories: 

  • Work Visas
  • Residency Visas
  • Travel Visas
  • Student Visas
  • Family Visas
  • Couples Visas

Trying to do it alone

If you are trying to save money, you may feel as though you want to go through the VISA process alone, without reaching out for additional help or support. However, this means you are much more likely to make mistakes that could cost you. Therefore, you should consider getting in touch with immigration solicitors, whose expertise can guide you in the right direction. Although this may seem like an additional cost, their services can help you save valuable money in the long run. 

Not giving yourself enough time

If you are presented with a job offer, you may be keen to move as soon as possible, which means you want to obtain a VISA quickly. Alternatively, you may procrastinate filling in forms, despite the fact that your travel date is drawing closer. Either way, you need to ensure that you give yourself plenty of time to obtain a VISA. There is usually a bit of wait time after all the documents are submitted, and you cannot travel to your new home without the documentation. Therefore, you should complete the application as early as possible. 

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